Inclus Release 4.0 is here

The latest Inclus update comes both with new features and smaller usability improvements.


”It is always a great feeling to release new and truly valuable features for our customers, so we are thrilled that Release 4.0 now has been successfully rolled out” says Inclus’ CEO, Mikaeli Langinvainio.

On the list of new features, you will find a new Task Manager, two new visualization page elements, and the possibility to add hard data to cross-impact projects. “The new Task Manager, especially, has been a major undertaking for our development team. We are proud of the end-result and convinced of its benefits to our customers” Langinvainio continues.

The Task Manager complements Inclus’ existing collaborational risk management process by offering new tools for creating and managing an action plan for your risk mitigation measures. “This is a big step towards a more complete risk management process with Inclus” says Langinvainio.

Task Manager

The new Task Manager feature allows you to react to identified risks and keep track of mitigation measures. This is a significant new feature that brings new functionalities for comprehensive risk management.

The Task Manager ensures that risk assessment data gets utilized. You can easily create risk-specific tasks directly from the risk assessment report. Defining responsible persons and deadlines to each task allows for an efficient risk mitigation process. Managing your organization’s tasks is done on the Tasks page, which also gives you an overview of task completions.

  • Create tasks based on your risk assessment
  • Define responsible persons and deadlines
  • Track the status of your own and your organization’s tasks
  • Receive automatic notifications when you have new tasks
  • Receive automatic notifications when deadlines are closing in

New Visualizations page features

Release 4.0 includes two new components for the Visualizations page: Radar chart ja Text section. The Radar chart enables a new way of viewing multidimensional data in your projects. Text section, on the other hand, allows you to add a separate markdown-formatted text section for providing additional lengthy descriptions between visualizations for presentation purposes.

Using hard data in cross-impact projects

Hard data can now be used in Cross-impact projects. It helps you to assess the real impacts of dependencies and possible stoppages to your business operations.

Development of the Hard data feature continues, but it can already be enabled to interested customers. Please reach out to us if you think hard data could be used in your upcoming cross-impact projects.

We are happy to talk more about our latest features and help you make full use of them in your risk management projects.


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